Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Slept in. Woke up to a text message from Miriam, inquiring about the location of lunch.

Insisted I'd been awake all this time.


The morning was wet and gross. I acquired some snackies from the market, and headed over to the V&A.

Now, I've done the V&A quite exhaustively before, so I decided not to do a long slog. I would just do the morning.

A lot of the rooms were closed, in any case. A lot of other things had been moved around.

I can only guess that was the case of this poor Jesus here.

I saw this fellow, and immediately thought of Kelly, though I'm not sure why.

It's okay, Jesus. This is the worst bit. It'll get better, I promise.

I could not find the plaster of the statue of David. I don't know where it went. A lot of rooms on that floor were boarded up, and a lot of things had moved around.

But I still poked aboot.

This is one of Leonardo de Vinci's notebooks. How cool is that! That's something I don't remember seeing last time. I wish I could have flipped through it. Apparently the V&A has three of them, I believe, but I think that was the only one on display.

Then I met Miriam for lunch and had a very nice fancy hawiian pizza. Then she went to...Newcastle?...for work. She'll be back tomorrow night, hopefully just in time to see a play with her man and I.

After lunch I decided not to go back to the V&A, but rather headed up to Camden Market. Last time I was there it was pissing rain and I had my huge backpack with me. I wanted to experience it better.

It was as I remembered it. I checked out some of the stores I remember liking, but did not buy anything. The only thing I almost bought was widely available in Canada, and I didn't feel like packing it around.

There was this store, which I remembered liking. It was a rave store, basically. Lots of neat fashion stuff, and weird household stuff. Highish prices though, and nothing unique enough that I HAD to buy it there.


 I took a moment to commune with nature.

Camden market was home to some of THE MOST MISERABLE looking pigeons I had ever seen.

I'm not sure whether it was because it had been raining that morning, or they ate nothing but churros and bad chinese food, but they were MISERABLE looking.

This fellow here was one of the better looking ones.

Rarely have I seen so unhappy a creature, as these pigeons.

 Do you remember this view?

The weather is better.

I had a layabout on the grass exactly here two years ago, and posted the same(ish) picture.

It's a good layabout spot.

(Miriam was teasing me for falling asleep in the park the other day, probably because I came home with the back of my sweater all covered in clover.)


After Camden Market I went up to Kentish Road to meet David for dinner.

Etheopian! I was good. I've never had Etheopian before. I think I'm spelling that right, but I'm very tired.

They give you many squishy dishes which you scoop up with a kind of rubbery, sour flatbread.

It tastes a lot better than it sounds.

After dinner, since we were so close, David took me on a walk up Parliment Hill to get a good view of the city. Unfortunately a rather dense smog was smothering downtown, so it was a bit hard to see, but it was still a nice walk. There was a dude singing Elvis songs on his guitar at the top. It's a bit weird to hear Elvis songs with the wrong accent, but at least the guy playing was good at it.

Then...home. And now...bed.

Sleep times for Rosemart.

Farewell, all!

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