Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I slept until noon today.



I thought I was reading the clock wrong.

I lept out of bed. My intention was to get down to the West End for a matinee, if I could, so I hopped on ye olde double decker bus and kind of fumbled my way downtown.

Slid into Leicester Square just before 2pm (okay, I got a LITTLE lost), and checked out the ticket booths. Unfortunately, everything I wanted to see was either sold out, or the running time was too long for me to see, and then get down to the National Theatre for the backstage tour.

Oh, my life is so hard.

So I went to Trafalgar square and poked around like a bum. Ate a sandwich. Saw the oldest police station in London.

Next time you're in Trafalgar Square, keep an eye out for it. Nobody notices it.

Perhaps because I think it had a mop and bucket in it, and not actually any policemen.

 But there you go.

After eating my sandwich, I thought:

"What ELSE is there to do in London? ANYTHING?"

Besides napping in parks and the like, that is.

So I popped over to the British Museum.

It was fine.

I really only went to check out the viking stuff (which they always seem to have less than I expect, or want). Unfortunately, one of the major rooms was getting a big reno, so all the Sutton Hoo stuff was off display.


 Still got to see the Lewis Chessmen though. I like those guys. Came close to purchasing a souvenir one.

I probably would have if they had one of the berserker ones, biting their shield. Hurrhurrhurr. Them fellows.

Didn't stay long at the British Museum. Barely even looked in their bookshop!

Tore across town to the National Theatre, for the backstage tour.

It was quite informative. If you're interested in technical theatre, I'd say give it a go. The most hilarious part of the tour was passing the metalworking shop, where the welder had Vivaldi blaring so loud the tour guide couldn't talk over it.

There was also this little lady hanging out in the back hallway.

She had no legs, because apparently her legs were apprehended to be emergency backup legs for the show that's going on in the West End.

I may see it. We'll have to see if I can get tickets.

Anyway, after that I met up with Miriam and David, had dinner balanced precariously on our laps, and then saw 'Moonlight on a Rainbow Shawl'.

I don't really understand the title of the play, but there you go.

It was very well acted, and very depressing.

I didn't care for the writing much. I found the first half to be pretty interesting, but by the time the huge emotional climax happened I thought *YAWN*. I was not emotionally invested in the characters anymore.

Nice set though. Lighting was good too, and the actors managed to maintain their accents well through the play (I want to say they were Jamaican, but I could be wrong). They had a girl, who I'm not sure was actually a girl, but if she was, she was very convincing. Calgary doesn't get child actors that good.

In any case, afterward we all stumbled back to the house. Miriam and David are asleep, and since I woke up at noon, I'm rather wide awake.

Perhaps I'll try to sleep soon...

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